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Balancing Personalisation: The Entertainment and Media's Lesson

Consumers demand tailored and unique media experiences. Media content and customer’s personal schedules need to somehow balance out. Read on to learn more from the Entertainment and Media industry’s with analysis from PwC.

Email Gets Results, So Why the Underinvestment?

Email delivers results and there’s plenty of room for innovation, so why the under-investment? Email continues to lead, compared to all other channels. Innovation is high on the agenda too. But the latest Email Marketing Industry Census suggests it still doesn’t receive the spend it...

Data Privacy: An Industry Perspective 2019

Take a look at our next instalment, in partnership with OneTrust PreferenceChoice, on the up and downs of the new privacy regulations introduced to the industry.

Email Benchmarking Report 2019

The DMA's Email Benchmarking Report on key email metrics is here. In collaboration with dotdigital, we present our most widely-accessed research on the state of the industry.
Member Content

Customer Engagement: Acquisition and the Consumer Mindset

How do customers find out about new products? How do they decide to switch from one brand to another? What does the experience of trying new brands look like? In collaboration with Paragon, you’ll find out the answers to these questions through our latest research on acquisition and customer...

Screen-Free and Hands-Free: How Podcasts are Relevant and Transparent

Ofcom and Acast analysed how podcasts are becoming more and more popular among Brits. Podcasts have grabbed the attention of younger generations who want to ‘just listen’ and relax, while also nourishing their passions and interests.