Great British Creativity | Join the DMA

Great British Creativity

It began with the writers and a fight for the power of the word.
Now we’re bigger and we want you along for the ride.
Add your voice to our mission to prove the value of creativity in UK business, government and society today.
Welcome to the campaign for great British creativity.

Copywriting Club - North

The north and everything in it includes a whole bunch of talented writers and creative thinkers making waves up the M1 from the Watford Gap. Introducing Copywriting Club – North.

Writing tips for copywriters that donât involve copywriting manuals

How can Brian Eno, Maurice Sendak, Christina Lamb, William Goldman and Henry Watson Fowler can improve your copywriting?

Brands, selling and storytelling

The way brands talk to consumers has changed. In a big way. Today’s smart brands are world creators, moment makers and relationship builders. They pick their consumers up and take them on shared journeys, out into the wide yonder.

Bernbach's letter to Grey

On May 15 1947, Bill Bernbach wrote a letter to his employer, Grey. He clearly didn't get the response he wanted and went on to co-found his own agency DDB two years later. Grey's loss was advertising's gain as he changed the face of the industry.

Copywriting matters

Everyone agrees, copywriting matters. So if copywriting matters then copywriters must matter.  After all, this is the case in every advertising medium known to marketing man

Dominic Mills - We need a copywriting annual

MediaTel columnist  and former Campaign editor and Dominic Mills thinks copywriters have less to moan about than they might think they do.

Patrick Collister: Why copywriting matters

Google's head of design, Patrick Collister, introduces the copywriting panel, and takes us through examples of brilliant copy. More importantly, he explains why copywriting matters.

Microcopy: brands that do it right

A magnifying glass on the best microcopy. It's not all innocent.

How to sell a kitchen 10 years before it exists

Design students were asked to create a 2025 concept kitchen for IKEA. The Future writers' lab was asked to advertise them.