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Learn to lead Masterclass

Become a confident leader in the changing world of work. This 3-hour masterclass is guaranteed to leave you inspired, informed, and with a plan of action for the next 12 months. Learn more about how modern organisations need leaders at every level, and journey through the top five most...

UniFida helps Wentworth Wooden Jigsaw Company 'make the pieces fit' in its customer marketing

Wentworth Wooden Jigsaw Company appointed UniFida to provide customer data platform (CDP) technology to help it gain better insights into its global customer base and, in effect, to ‘make the pieces fit’ in its quest to build a single, integrated view of its customers.

Future Trends: The Evolution of Direct-to-Consumer

The number of companies selling direct-to-consumer has grown significantly amid the pandemic. Read the article and found out more about the strategies and tactics these businesses are implementing to win over their customers’ attention.

Why email and digital activity is not always the greener option

When it comes to measuring the carbon footprint of quantifiable marketing activities, such as advertising in newspapers or catalogue production, it’s relatively easy. Most marketers have experience of the production process, from tree to paper and from print to post, and instinctively try not...

TPS: What Consumers Say

What do consumers know and think about the Telephone Preference Services? What are the benefits they see in its services? Read on to find out more.

TPS: What Marketers Say

What do marketers know and think about the Telephone Preference Services? What are the benefits for their businesses of using this service? Read on to find out.

Marketing 'bang for buck' - how do you measure it?

Return on marketing investment (ROMI) is what every marketer wants to achieve. But automating marketing metrics and extracting accurate ROMI data can be a real challenge.

Unleash the Magic of Mail

Build mail-powered marketing campaigns that cut through with a new Award in Direct Mail. Designed by the IDM and Royal Mail Marketreach, there’s free access for the first 50 people who sign up.