DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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EU Council of Ministers publish a revised ePrivacy Regulation text

DCMS consult with DMA over the latest proposed changes to the ePrivacy Regulation

Online Will Writing - What Potential Legators Really Think

Online will writing is something the legacy fundraising teams of many charities have tested, explored or at least considered. If you want to be supporter centric then it’s vital to get a sense of what the legacy giving public think.

How to optimise the efficiency of your customers' sales journey

In this blog, Jaywing's senior consultant, Pete Sewart un folds questions on how we can optimise the efficience of a customers sales journey and offers advise.

Creative Data 2018; the story so far

2 academies, 1 laboratory and 80 students later, we’re half way through this year’s Creative Data programme and what a journey it’s been so far. Edinburgh’s next on the list so read on to find out how you can get involved.

Top 5 Reasons to Use Direct Mail

An individual receives 100 emails and 16 direct mail per week on average.

Direct Mail Marketing and Legitimate Interest: Be reasonable!

Organisations often plan to take an oversimplified approach to direct mail using Legitimate Interest to send post on all topics to everyone. The core of this principle is the reasonable expectation, the challenge is that people's expectations differ.

Teaching New Dogs Old Tricks!

How the resurgence of traditional techniques can create cut through and value in a digital age

Remove unpredictability in a changing environment

The last few years have been characterised by their unpredictability. From the financial crisis and Brexit to extreme weather events, circumstances beyond our control, either directly or indirectly, can have a knock-on effect on consumers and their supporting organisations.

Regulation Hub Update - April 2018

DMA Contact Centre Council meet every month to actively seek to identify, reinforce, share and shape best practice. Find their regulation update here.