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Why doesn't Digital marketing work?

We have witnessed the switch from expensive TV ads and high spend on creative agencies to low pay per click and next to nothing costs for social media marketing. This might sound like a great development. In fact, the majority of companies have been quite happy to cut their marketing budgets....

When will they learn? Put the citizen first!

A blog for Safer Internet Day 2019. Looking at the latest ICO action against and Eldon Insurance, and what customers need to ask the organisations about the personal data they hold on them.

The Highest Level of Catalogue Personalisation Ever?

16 page Catalogue mailing uses 6,421 different products to deliver dynamic personalisation

Explore the new currency for mail. Use JICMAIL Discovery, our data visualisation tool.

Explore the new currency for mail. Use JICMAIL Discovery, our data visualisation tool.

How can you save on Direct marketing with Royal Mail?

Finally, Royal Mail incentives explained.

Top 5 Data Sources for Driving Predictive Marketing Success

Our CCO breaks down his top 5 data sources for driving predictive marketing success

To Clean or Not to clean data that is the question

Are you using the same old client data for your direct marketing campaigns without review? You may be wasting your money as 1.5 million people move home each year. Read the article to find out how to spend your marketing budget wisely.

Email Trends for 2019

Check out our list of Email Marketing Trends for 2019 to know what's coming and how to create a winning emailing strategy in this new year.