DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Public affairs at the DMA: what we do

A key part of the DMA’s work is representing and furthering the interests of our members in politics, policy, the wider industry and beyond. But what does that mean in practice?
Member Content

GDPR and you, chapter two

A quarter of businesses are not on course to meet coming GDPR changes, and B2B marketers are the least prepared, but the Brexit vote has not had the impact feared according to new DMA research

DMA GDPR guidance: Consent and Legitimate Interests

The next instalment in our guidance series takes marketers inside two of the key legal bases of GDPR: Consent and legitimate interests. Read on to download the guidance, and access other DMA GDPR guidance pieces.

Planning with JICMAIL Series: Issue 4

New insights from JICMAIL's own Ian Gibbs

The Power of Touch Marketing and Direct Mail

When a customer interacts with touch marketing, it affects their mood, behaviour and spending habits, so they are more likely to purchase your product.

Time Well Spent: advertising in the era of digital calorie counting

As audiences become more concerned about addiction to smartphones and more empowered to curtail their screen time, we look at how advertisers can make less attention go further and new techniques that will help break our industry’s addiction to the mobile screen.

Regulation Hub Update - April 2019

DMA Contact Centre Council meet every month to actively seek to identify, reinforce, share and shape best practice. Find their regulation update here.

5 ways to enhance your printed marketing materials

Successful businesses understand the importance of effective marketing collateral. From foil stamping to QR Codes, here are our top 5 tips for improving your printed marketing materials.