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Heaven or Hell's Kitchen: Insights from a Freelance Creative Director on Lockdown Inspiration

The pandemic has changed our world of work, but has it impacted freelancers used to remote working in the same ways? Creative Director Ian Fletcher explores what is normal, living in a similar world where we try so hard to be different, and finding inspiration – from his kitchen.

How can Retailers succeed this holiday season and beyond

COVID-19 restrictions are wavering and it appears we are in this for the long haul. Because of this, brands must fully understand the wants and needs of their customers, and communicate clear, effective messaging at the individual level.

The Government Door Dropped 30 million Coronavirus Letters to UK Households. Why?

The Door Drop Hub examines the Government’s use of door drops throughout the coronavirus pandemic.

Data Best Practice: Acquiring New Data under GDPR - A Case Study

From the DMA’s Customer Data Council, the sixth in a series of articles looking at good data practice in marketing.

Direct Mail - Don't call it a resurgence

To say direct mail is having a resurgence would be to deny its steady existence as a vital channel for many retail businesses since the mail order boom years.

Six Signs You Are Ready To Invest In Direct Mail

While search directs you to what you want to find, a catalogue is a source of discovery. It introduces people to new things they did not know about which encourages sales.

WEBINAR: Planning for Christmas with JICMAIL - For supermarkets, retailers and their agencies

Christmas is the key trading period for many ecommerce, retailer and supermarket advertisers. Join our webinar to hear Ian Gibbs, Director of Data Leadership and Learning, show how mail works to deliver engagement, brand awareness and response.