DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Queen's Speech Kicks Off New Parliament

The Queen's speech sets out the Government's agenda for the coming sessions of parliament.
Member Content

The DMA in the West, Wales and Midlands

What's on offer for those in the west and Wales in the coming months from the DMA, IDM and Employability

Democratise Data Manifesto for New Scottish Parliament Term

We asked candidates for the Scottish Parliament elections to take the #DemocratiseDataPledge to support the democratisation of talent and widen access to the data industry.

Coronavirus: March 2021 - The Impacts on Business

A year on from the first UK-wide lockdown, the eighth phase of the DMA’s ongoing survey into the impact of coronavirus reveals some positivity for businesses looking forward, but that the road to full recovery from the challenges of the last 12 months will take time.

Sprinklr: A Time to Serve - Thoughtful Marketing

To be thoughtful, sensitive, and discerning for everyone's individual needs and circumstances should be the goal of every brand experience, customer contact, and marketing campaign. Join the DMA, Sprinklr, Bloom & Wild and Camelot for practical advice on how to listen to your customers, then act...

Data 2021: UK Government Minister for Data, John Whittingdale MP, to Give Keynote Address

Big changes are coming to the UK’s data industry. Join Data 2021 to hear the latest plans from the UK Government and how they will impact your organisation.

Future Trends: In-Game Brand Experience

Gaming is a popular pastime and, especially during the pandemic’s lockdowns. How can you improve their overall experience by introducing your brand into the in-game environment? Read on and discover how consumers have changed and created new ways to interact with their brands when using games.

Customer Engagement 2020: An Overview

Our annual customer engagement summit gave highlights from our 2020 customer loyalty research report and featured expert insights on how brand loyalty has changed, channel strategies for retention and long-term engagement, key trends, and how to drive the future customer.

UK Government Budget 2021: What's in it for the Data & Marketing Industry?

Chancellor Rishi Sunak outlined his spending and saving measures in the 2021 budget.