DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Coronavirus: Damian Collins MP Launches Fact-Checking Service to Tackle Virus Misinformation

Infotagion: COVID-19 uses WHO, UK and other official government advice to counter misinformation in the social media sphere

Government Announce Overhaul of Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme and Update Furlough Scheme

After lobbying from the DMA and partners, the Government have re-examined how best to support businesses seeking help through the CBIL Scheme and Furlough scheme.

Coronavirus - Business, Finance and HR Help

To help you and your business gain as much insight as possible in light of the upheaval wrought by coronavirus, we hosted an online session that examined the business impacts of the outbreak.

Coronavirus: Planning Your Next Move

The coronavirus outbreak is having a huge impact on people’s lives, families and communities. Organisations are facing significant challenges as they are asked to rapidly change the way they work and make decisions. Read on to learn how to plan your next move.

DMA and Partners Change Big Banks' Position on Owner Personal Guarantees for CBILS

On Thursday and Friday, the DMA and other partners worked with DCMS, BEIS, and the Treasury to lobby big banks to remove the requirement for personal guarantees from SME owners in order to receive a Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan.

DMA Calls For Banks to Rethink Their Approach to CBILs

Banks are demanding unfavourable repay rates of the government-backed loans announced by the Chancellor Rishi Sunak this week.

Coronavirus: Advice for Apprenticeship Intermediary Ambassadors

The Department for Education has released information for organisations that deliver apprenticeships.

Coronavirus: Government Support Initiatives

From Monday 16 March onwards, the Chancellor will be announcing special measures to support the economy through Coronavirus. Check in here for latest developments.

Coronavirus: Government Offers £500k to Tech Businesses for Isolation Innovation

The funding is available for technology companies who come up with digital support solutions for people who need to stay at home because of coronavirus.