DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Coronavirus: April 2020 - The Impacts on Business

The second phase of the DMA’s survey into the impact of the Coronavirus reveals the key concerns, challenges and business needs, as well as what we’re doing to help support the industry.

Coronavirus: £600m Small Business Grant Extension Announced

Following DMA lobbying on gaps in the small business grant scheme, government has allocated more funding to go to businesses that have fallen through the gap.

Coping with Isolation: Extraverts vs Introverts

In this latest blog supplied by our B2B Council, Bianca Indipendente – Psychosociologist, Innovation, and Organisation Consultant – discusses how extraverts and introverts react differently to social distancing. Discover the misconceptions and advice for those on both sides of the scale.

Coronavirus - Contractual Issues

As part of our Legal Helpdesk partnership with law firm Lee & Thompson, advertising and marketing law specialists, Huw Morris and Dominic Bray, deliver a webinar on the contractual issues arising from coronavirus.

Is Your Personality Type Suited Towards Working from Home?

In this latest blog supplied by our B2B Council, Bianca Indipendente – Psychosociologist, Innovation, and Organisation Consultant – discusses whether working from home is for everyone, and the difference in productivity of those scoring high and low on the conscientiousness scale.

Panic-Buying, Personality Types, and the Coronavirus

In this latest blog supplied by our B2B Council, learn how personality types and panic-buying are connected, as well as the ways conformity, social media, and fake news contribute.

Coronavirus: Advice and Help

The DMA has gathered information from the UK Government and partners to help with the running of your business throughout the ongoing COVID-19 situation. This page will update as more resources and advice become available.

Coronavirus: March 2020 - Business Impacts Barometer

The DMA’s first monthly barometer on our industry’s attitudes towards the coronavirus challenge uncovers how businesses are responding to the lockdown. Read on for a data-driven visualisation of the mood amongst the UK data and marketing industry in March.