DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Responsible Marketing Update

Data duplication, non-compliance, managing consent and preferences: our industry is faced with many unique challenges. So how can you keep your marketing compliant? Find out alongside the DMA and OneTrust.

Future Trends: Influence in the Age of Social Media

What does ‘influence’ look like as we are living between the physical and the digital world? Social media and the other digital channels are good at getting your customers’ attention, but do they influence purchasing behaviour?

Future Trends Series - Influence in the Age of Social Media

How does a shortage of truth and trust in social channels effect influencing customers? Gain insight into today's challenges from the DMA, Complex Creative, REaD Group, TMW Unlimited, M.i. media, and VCCP.

Creatives most prominent marketing personality type with Persuaders the rarest

With over 2,300 quiz completions, the DMA reveals the most common personality types among both students and current industry professionals

DMA and Sixth Sense Training Increase Scotland Apprenticeships

How is the DMA helping aspiring marketers get ready for the world of work? Find out about our partnership with apprenticeship provider Sixth Sense Training, DMA Scotland’s #DemocratiseDataPledge, and our new jobs board for DMA Corporate Members and Student Members.

EA and The Kiyan Prince Foundation win DMA Awards Grand Prix

'Long Live the Prince’ campaign by Engine, for EA and The Kiyan Prince Foundation, takes home the top prize at the DMA Awards 2021

DMA Awards 2021: Grand Prix Reveal

At our 2021 DMA Awards Night, over 100 campaigns won Gold, Silver, and Bronze titles. Find out which one will earn the ultimate prize in marketing.

Data privacy complaints about DMA Members fall in 2021

Data, privacy and quality continue to lead complaints received by the DMC, with the number of complaints about non-DMA Members rising and DMA Members falling year-on-year

Internal Policy Framework for Vulnerable Consumers

A 2017 study by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) found that 50% of UK consumers show one or more characteristics of potential vulnerability. Find out how you can protect at-risk individuals alongside the DMA Vulnerable Consumers Working Group.