DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Data protection 2016: Facebook

Facebook and Ctrl-Shift presented their assessment of the state of data protection and consumer attitudes at the DMA Data protection 2016 event

DP 2016 - the day in full

DMA Data protection 2016 in full

Data protection 2016: Information Commissioner

In his final address to the DMA's Data protection conference before he steps down, the Information Commissioner Christopher Graham laid out the current and upcoming challenges for those working in data

DM Commission - 2015 Annual Report

"Consent should be given, not taken", according to the DM Commission (DMC) chief commissioner George Kidd in the 2015 DMC Annual Report

What does Brexit mean for data protection?

If the UK chooses to leave the EU what will this mean for implementation of GDPR?  Find out.

dotmailer: Marketer email tracker 2016

The latest trends in email marketing from the people who make them - the marketers themselves. This is the practitioner's eye-view on the performance of the email channel.

The DMA, data protection and what you need to know

The DMA leads the way in getting our industry up to speed on the crucial issues affecting data-driven marketing, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Find out what we've been saying and where we will be.