DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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The DMA, data protection and what you need to know

The DMA leads the way in getting our industry up to speed on the crucial issues affecting data-driven marketing, in particular the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Find out what we've been saying and where we will be.

MPs demand criminal penalties for the most serious data protection breaches

The Big Data Dilemma Report’s fourth edition has been published by the Science & Technology Select Committee of MPs

The DMA Care Initiative - Chris Stransom

The DMA's Care Initiative is there to help companies focus on the needs of vulnerable consumers says customer engagement manager at Age UK, and deputy chair of the DMA's Contact Centres and Telemarketing Council Chris Stransom

Focusing on the consumer - Joanne Varey

New technology has created huge opportunities for brands, as long as those brands focus on the consumer says Joanne Varey, managing director at Granby Marketing Services Limited and chair of the DMA's Contact Centre and Telemarketing Council

Customer Acquisition Barometer 2015 focus group videos

Video highlights of focus groups of marketing experts for the Customer Acquisition Barometer 2015

Can door drops be social and programmatic?

Yes they can. Hear what Gavin Wheeler, CEO at WDMP has been doing to socialise door drops and target programmatically. Witchcraft? Maybe, but clever use of data

Privacy Shield â new Safe Harbour agreement reached

UPDATE: On February 2 the European Union reached agreement with the US on a new framework for transatlantic data flows following a small delay