The DMA, data protection and what you need to know | DMA

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The DMA, data protection and what you need to know


The DMA leads the industry in analysis, insight and events for marketers looking to get up to speed on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Find out what we've been saying and where we will be.

Take a look through below at what our experts have had to say on the latest data protection policy issues. You can also book your place as our annual data protection summit returns - featuring the UK Government, ICO, Facebook and the ICO.

- For the latest on what once was Safe Harbour, but now is the Privacy Shield, read the DMA take here. The impacts for the transatlantic data flow will be far-reaching.

- The Science and Technology select committee has been evaluating the threats posed to the data economy by data breaches. DMA CEO Chris Combemale spoke at committee last year and we've rounded up the latest news on the committee's work here.

- The EU strives for a single, functioning data market. So what have they been up to and where are they in their quest? We've collected the key points here for you to get up to speed.

- FEDMA is the organisation that represents the DMAs found across Europe. They recently met to tackle the key pan-European challenges in data protection and ethics.

- The ICO, under the steady direction of Information Commissioner Chris Graham, continues their work to implement General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Learn how the ICO helps the data-driven industry towards compliance with the new regulatory framework around data.

There's no better place to build on what you learn through the DMA than at our annual data summit. Featruing the inputs of the ICO, the DCMS minister for data protection, Baroness Neville-Rolfe, Facebook and the RNLI, Data protection 2016 is the keynote event defining what GDPR will mean for UK marketers in the years ahead.

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