DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Neopost: Automate customer onboarding

Make your onboarding first class in this webinar with Data Capture Solutions and Neopost. Refine your first contact with a consumer, and turn that contact into a customer.

Answers to questions from DP2016 Update

Below are questions submitted to our experts during the DP2016 Update conference in September. We didn't have the time to respond to all the queries in the live sessions, so we have answered those questions below

Mobile apps that can turn aeroplane mode off and read your texts

Have you read the terms and conditions?

The reinvention of marketing

Many talk about marketing and advertising being 'broken', but growth in the sector continues to outperform the rest of the economy. What's going on?

MRM Meteorite leading nominations at DMA Awards 2016

DMA Awards shortlist announced, with MRM Meteorite leading the field with 14 shortlisted nominations, for 4 campaigns

ICO launch new privacy noticesâ code of practice

ICO warn that transparency and accountability are fundamental to the success of the digital economy
Member Content

Talking the consumers' language: financial services infographic

Consumers have a clear view on what they want to receive from their financial service providers. This new infographic, as part of the DMA Customer Engagement campagin, outlines exactly what their expectations are.
Member Content

The Great Repeal Bill

Finer details on Brexit emerge but what does it mean for GDPR?