The reinvention of marketing | DMA

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The reinvention of marketing


Many talk about marketing and advertising being 'broken', but growth in the sector continues to outperform the rest of the economy. What's going on?

Head of strategy at Goodby Silverstein & Partners Andy Grayson and his colleague Graham North, chief storyteller at Steve and Kate's says advertising isn’t broken at all – the talent is there, but perhaps the focus has broken.

There is so much change in the industry, for example mobile display has overtaken desktop for first time. For a glimpse into the Mad Men days of very heavy drinking and excess, Ogilvy and Mather’s former global chairman and chief executive Miles Young suggests that agencies need to 'regain their swagger', starting with a ‘total relaunch of account planning’, reinvent ‘integration’, and taking creativity out of the algorithm.

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak says brand building is all about the product not the ads, While Rory Sutherland, Ogilvy's current vice-chairman says creativity may be stymied by restrictions to free speech.
Content marketing by brands has proved for some to be a driver of revenue for some brands. But shouldn't we leave that to the professionals asks Dominic Mills at MediaTel, who notes some of the comings and going in the industry. Mark Ritson asks if content marketing is just bollocks?

Across the pond, how do the two presidential hopefuls' marketing stack-up? Will Jellicoe from The7Stars rates Hillary and The Donald. Dave Trott also examines the impact of Donald Trump, and concludes that he's a genius of sorts and knows that his name is worth something.

The whole Brexit vote has had side effects before anything has actually happened. Just this week we learned that hate crime increased 41% after the vote, and the pound has fallen to a 168-year low.

This has itself triggered an almighty spat between Unilever and Tesco over whether there should be price increases or who should shoulder price increases. Unilever presumably trades in Euros, meaning they earn less from their products due to the devalued pound. The spat was a little more than a storm in a teacup and could prefigure more to come.

There could me more problems for UK retailers as Amazon is said to be planning bricks-and-mortar convenience stores as it attempts to disrupt the vast grocery and FMCG markets

But innovation endures in the UK, with one tireless innovator spending 11 hours heroically attaching his kettle to his wifi in order to make a cup of tea. The plucky innovator's mammoth tea break played out over Twitter to widespread incredulity. But as ever, even technology could not get between our man and his cuppa.

Twitter itself has decided to market itself to Wall Street in New York as those companies once eager to snap the social media player up suddenly seem to be less keen.

Finally, a lovely vid of a 28 Days Later-style deserted London for Bose by Grey London:

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