DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Whose Stories Are We Telling? How to Make Your Content Marketing More Inclusive

As part of DMA Scotland's regional content, guest contributor Louise Shanahan, The Copy Prescription, gives her insights on the power stories can have on promotion. If we want our audience to care enough to do something, they need to feel emotionally invested in the outcome. Read more.

Industry Diversity: Background and Education

What does ‘diversity’ really mean? In this article, we explore background and education to have a clear picture of what the data and marketing industry looks like today. Read on to find out.

Data & Marketing Industry Diversity

For the data and marketing industry to become truly diverse and inclusive of the customers it serves, it must first look at itself. This dedicated article series does just that and showcases how the DMA is here to help.

Industry Diversity 2020: A More Diverse and Inclusive Future

To achieve real diversity in the workplace, organisations must dig deeper than simple metrics. What actions can you take? Find out what the DMA is doing to make create a more diverse and inclusive future a reality for our industry.

Industry Diversity: Gender and Sexuality

What does ‘diversity’ really mean? In this article, we explore gender and sexuality to have a clear picture of what the data and marketing industry looks like today. Read on to find out.

Industry Diversity: Ethnicity and Race

What does ‘diversity’ really mean? In this article, we explore ethnicity and race to have a clear picture of what the data and marketing industry looks like today. Read on to find out.

Industry Diversity: Disability and Health

What does ‘diversity’ really mean? In this article, we explore disability and health to have a clear picture of what the data and marketing industry looks like today. Read on to find out.

Building an Open and Inclusive Industry

Events and conversations in 2020 have prompted the DMA to recognise the importance of talking openly about the issues raised by the Black Lives Matter movement and how we are working to promote greater inclusion across our industry and beyond. Find out what the DMA is doing to create change.

Opportunities to increase diversity in your team

I frequently talk to employers about ways of increasing diversity in their workforce. Find out how The Foyer Federation can help diversify yours.