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Winning trust and loyalty will be key to solving marketers' digital dilemma

Mintel’s thoughts on the key trends from Adobe Summit 2019 point to the dilemma that marketers are facing: it’s easier to reach customers but harder to get them to care. We dive deeper into how to gain their trust and their loyalty.

DMA Social Media Award Winners Highlight How to Do Social Right

The best use of social media DMA award winners show the real media opportunity social offers for a different relationship between brands and their customers.

Copy Capital

Write in the heart of London

Centennials are officially in the game

A new generation is here and is driving real, immediate changes in the marketplace. Understanding Centennials, how they behave and what they believe is a must for every marketer, don’t miss the boat

Data & Diversity: You can't change what you don't measure

While some believe that diversity in the workplace is as simple as meeting the required quotas for employee race and gender, it’s much, much more than that. You must dig deeper. How can you get a real and accurate picture of your workforce? Have a look at the new tool that SurveyMonkey and...