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The new rules of engagement

Read the new research report into why relevancy is more important than personalisation, and the redefined relationship consumers are looking for.

Copywriting, behavioural economics and AdWords

Applying behavioural economics principles to copywriting Google AdWords ads can promt a significant boost in performance for certain cagtegories like technology, telecoms and clothing

The skinny on Copywriting Club - Manchester

Braving weather so wet even the fish looked fed-up, our hardy copywriting clubbers headed for cover at an evening of copy chatter – and a good dry-off

David Ogilvy: copywriter

David Ogilvy was a copywriter, and here we present his 12-point guide to how he works, in addition to an hour-long interview with the great man where he admits to starting his agency becasue he didn't think he was good enough for Young & Rubicam

Two years until the GDPR comes into force

Today the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) becomes law, but there are two full years - 730 days and counting - before the law comes into force

Introducing Customer Engagement

The DMA has launched a major new campaign to explore what makes excellent customer engagement, and will include major events, groundbreaking research and more

Contact centres: consumers need you

According to new research from the DMA and Granby Marketing Services, consumers need contact centres at those critical moments in the relationship with a brand, but brands are in danger of losing the goodwill consumers hold for them

Melanie Howard: We need to have diversity of all kinds in this industry

The upcoming mayoral elections are a concern for Future Foundation founder Melanie Howard, but she’s not thinking about Zac or Sadiq – it’s all about the Women’s Equality Party and Sophie Walker