Contact centres: consumers need you | DMA

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Contact centres: consumers need you


According to new research from the DMA and Granby Marketing Services, consumers need contact centres at those critical moments in the relationship with a brand, but brands are in danger of losing the goodwill consumers hold for them

Digital marketing is wonderful for so many different aspects of marketing, but new research shows that at crucial times between a brand and customer, consumers need the reassurance of contact centres.

According to the Customer Acquisition Barometer 2015, contact centres are the seventh most used channel for customer acquisition. What are consumers’ views of contact centres?

New research from the DMA, sponsored by Granby Marketing Services, shows that half of consumers say asking questions on the telephone is essential for finding out the information they need. Click here to read Granby's perspective of the research.

This infographic show how the practices of marketers both matches and contrasts with what consumers demand from contact centres.

Contact centres 2016 infographic

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