Two years until the GDPR comes into force | DMA

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Two years until the GDPR comes into force


Today the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) becomes law, but there are two full years - 730 days and counting - before the law comes into force

With the GDPR becoming law today, there are now 730 days until it comes into force.

Harold Wilson once said that, "A week is a long time in politics," and as you can see from the referendum debate, this is certainly true.

However for marketers two years is closer to nothing at all.

With 730 days to go, it's time to start working out what to do before the GDPR comes into force.

Take advantage of our GDPR portal where we will add new information, perspectives and advice over the coming two year.

Try some of the articles below:

Listen to our webinar, where DMA solicitors talk about consent and legitimate interest.

Read the latest timeline produced by the Information Commissioner's Office, showing when it will publish guidance.

Because the GDPR will change the way brands, their agencies and suppliers handle data, make sure your third party data is not a risk.

Larger companies will need a data protection officer. Read about this new role, and the demand expected throughout Europe.

It's also worth reading what the DMA's public affairs manager Zach Thornton said at The Drum's recent GDPR breakfast alongside some senior marketers.

Finally, with myths and misinformation about the GDPR, read our myth-busting frequently asked GDPR questions.

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