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Why 'emotional loyalty' is the new opportunity for brands

True emotional connections between brands and customers boost revenue as well as retention, but marketers need an accurate understanding of the key trigger moments

Media & Publishing: 5 Steps to Selecting the Right Email Marketing Technology

Imagine having the ability to collect zero-party data and leverage that data to personalise your newsletter content, generate loyalty, increase subscribers, boost engagement and go viral.

Don't underestimate the importance of a campaign brief

We’ve all been there. After completing the initial strategy and planning for a new marketing campaign, you find yourself under pressure to start delivering it straight away.

Chasing Data Trails: How Data Shapes Purple Square's 5 Core Principles of CX

Navigating the intricate world of data, Purple Square helps businesses harness the potential of their information. Reflecting on simpler data times, this article emphasises that having an abundance of data isn’t automatically beneficial.

How marketers can measure CO2 emissions

Question: What weighs as much as a two kilometre-high stone pillar the size of a tennis court? Answer: the CO2 emissions released annually by UK marketing campaigns.

Beyond Paper: Inks, data, format

Sustainability - Beyond Paper: Inks, data, format

How to Build a Brand That Lasts

Your brand is more than just a logo or a name – it’s the heart, soul, and voice of your business. It’s the brand story, and what it means to the people’s lives it touches.

Maximising Engagement with the Latest Advancements in Real-Time Personalisation

Consumers are growing increasingly frustrated with generic, one-size-fits-all messages built for the masses. What they really want is to receive emails and messages that are relevant to their interests.