Why pushing the boundaries isn't always a bad thing in B2B Marketing
27 Jan 2017

100 ceramic parrots and 100 ceramic fish intended for a Ted Baker store design were mistakenly sent to our sales promotion agency, bizarrely addressed to a member of our agency staff. We kindly sent them back, but took the liberty of holding one Polly hostage in an attempt to extract a marketing brief out of the retail giant.
A creative ransom note was designed and sent to Ted Baker's Global Communications Director and the Senior Store Designer, who was responsible for the rogue parcel.
Receiving no brief, the agency upped the ante, sending further notes and tongue in cheek threats.
Did Ted Baker surrender? Was a brief ever recieved? Or did Polly become Polly gone? You’ll have to watch the video and see for yourself.
Love this! As someone who used to work for Ted Baker, and who now works in marketing, I have to say I'm disappointed they didn't send you a brief! Very imaginative though!
OVO Energy
Marketing Executive
Hi Nicola,
We now actually need to make a new version, "Since the making of this film..." alas still no brief but Mr Ted Baker (Ray) himself has seen it and said he love it. Watch this space.
TLC Marketing Worldwide UK Limited
PR and Marketing Manager