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Industry Diversity 2020: A More Diverse and Inclusive Future

To achieve real diversity in the workplace, organisations must dig deeper than simple metrics. What actions can you take? Find out what the DMA is doing to make create a more diverse and inclusive future a reality for our industry.

Industry Diversity: Disability and Health

What does ‘diversity’ really mean? In this article, we explore disability and health to have a clear picture of what the data and marketing industry looks like today. Read on to find out.

Industry Diversity: Background and Education

What does ‘diversity’ really mean? In this article, we explore background and education to have a clear picture of what the data and marketing industry looks like today. Read on to find out.

DMA Insight: The Creative Opportunity

Creativity isn’t a static concept, so it can be tricky to pin down. During the last decade, most of UK customers have felt the need to be more creative, giving brands an opportunity to engage with them in new ways. Read on to find out what creativity looks like to consumers.

Coronavirus: July 2020 - The Impacts on Business

The fifth phase of the DMA’s survey into the impact of the Coronavirus reveals first signs of recovery, but with heightened concerns about job retention. Read on to find out the latest views from the data and marketing industry amid the pandemic.

Coronavirus: Do Consumers Need to be 'Present'?

Consumers are more comfortable than ever making purchases online. The flip side of this coin is that brands now need to engage with them in different and new ways. Read on to find out more about this great opportunity for businesses to refocus and reinvent.
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