Talking the consumers' language: retail infographic

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Talking the consumers' language: retail infographic


There are four types of consumer brand loyalty. View our new infographic to discover whether your consumers are Active Loyals, Habitual Loyals, Situational Loyals or Active Disloyals.

As part of our new Customer Engagement campaign, we looked at the reasons why consumers are loyal to brands.

But of course consumers don't talk about 'loyalty' in the same way marketers do, which is why we ran a qualitative research piece to unearth the language that consumers use to describe their interactions with brands so we, and you, could talk to them in a language they understand.

The results, in the report and this new infographic, have redefined what brands should do to engage their customers.

Find out:

  • How consumer loyalty changes depending on the value of the product
  • Why customers continue to use a brand even though they could get a cheaper deal elsewhere
  • Which techonologies consumers want use to interact with brands in the future.

For more in the Customer Engagement research series, come to our event on 6 September to learn how consumers want to be engaged by financial services brands.

Talking the consumers' language: retail

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