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Brexit: Potential Blow To Data Adequacy As EU Top Court Rules Against Surveillance Data Storage

The European Court of Justice ruled that EU Governments cannot retain citizens' data for mass surveillance.

Direct Mail & Legitimate Interest- Is 3rd party data dead?

3rd party marketing lists are crucial for marketers trying to acquire new customers, especially when using direct mail. This article will investigate the challenges of using purchased lists and highlight methods to ensure compliance with the GDPR and the DMA Code.

How long can you rely on Consent or Legitimate Interest?

When the GDPR was first published, the legislation made it clear that consent did not last forever. One of the most frequently asked questions remains, ‘how long does consent last?’

DMA Email Council: How to Use Registration Forms to Get Marketing Opt-In

Webinars, whitepapers, free wifi, online events and services are all created for lead generation and customer acquisition. This guide explains how to navigate the legal requirements while still achieving your goals

Data Protection Checklist when Selecting Suppliers

This article considers how you manage your suppliers' handling of your personal data? What factors do you need to consider when carrying out your due diligence at appointment and when / how do you decide whether to audit your suppliers’ activities?

Data Best Practice: Acquiring New Data under GDPR - A Case Study

From the DMA’s Customer Data Council, the sixth in a series of articles looking at good data practice in marketing.

Responsible Marketing and the IDM

Enrol on an IDM course and feel confident in all that responsible marketing entails.

COVID-19 Contact Tracing App Series: Professor Luciano Floridi

Member of the NHS COVID-19 App Data Ethics Advisory Board and Director of the Digital Ethics Lab at the University of Oxford offers his take on the NHSX contact tracing app.

Online Harms Legislation: Barrister Charlotte Yarrow on the Implications for the Digital Marketing Sphere

Furnival Chambers' Barrister Charlotte Yarrow unpacks the online harms legislation and the potential implications for business and regulation.