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DP2017: The Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham

Elizabeth Denham was appointed as Information Commissioner in July 2016, she previously held the position of Information and Privacy Commissioner for British Columbia, Canada. In her first six months she has led investigations into Yahoo, Camelot, WhatsApp and Facebook.

DMA Contact Centre Council - February

Keep up to date with the DMA's Contact Center Council

What the data industry can expect in the future

Recent decisions by the ICO give us an indication of what the data industry can expect in the future

GDPR in practice â what marketers need to know before sharing data with service providers

The GDPR puts any customer data shared with your service providers under the spotlight. Training, good practices and technology can reduce risk when sharing data; but there is more that you need to consider.

The new ePrivacy Directive - making life after GDPR tougher?

If you’ve been preparing for the introduction of the GDPR by reviewing the information that’s already publicly available, you may have noticed that a large part of the framework relates to the PECR (Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations).

4 lead nurturing roadblocks to avoid

Lead nurturing has been one of the top 3 goals for B2B marketers for a number of years now, and 2017 is no exception. However, we have noticed 4 worrying trends over these past 3 years. 

European guidance on data protection officers and data portability now available

The Article 29 Working Party issue guidance on two important topics

GDPR in practice - Privacy Notices

A couple of quick real-life examples showing how to make your privacy notices and your T&Cs really easy to read, navigate and understand.

3 steps to building a double opt-in database

After the news that the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulation (PECR) review might go the same way as the GDPR, we knew it was time to start building a double opt-in database. Even if we manage to fight as B2B marketers to retain our right to single opt-in market to prospects (here's...