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New Data Protection Bill will strengthen UK data protection law

The GDPR will be implemented in the UK with the new Data Protection Bill

The ICO, pragmatic enforcement and the GDPR

New research reveals relatively low average fines issued by the ICO, and as the GDPR looms, can we expect the ICO to help drive organisations to change, rather than just punish?

Breaking up with advertising

The letter breaking up with advertising, how the Gray Lady's troubles come despite its purple patch, how to write that book inside you, another new agency model, and on being Ronald McDonald - more people have walked on the moon

CRMT GDPR News Digest Part 1

Are you up to speed? Read our round-up of the latest developments and guidance on GDPR compliance in marketing. 

GDPR and B2B marketing; will you be starting again from scratch in May 18?

I’ve been hearing some scary stuff lately, from businesses saying (or should that be praying) that GDPR will never happen, to those who are bracing themselves for a day one scenario. The polar views have one thing in common; lack of understanding of what needs to be done to comply. In this blog,...

Conflicted consumers are loyal, but always looking for a deal

Half of consumers tend to remain loyal to brands they like, but the vast majority still spend time researching products to make sure they get the best deal, according to DMA research

Improving data for improved deliverability

If you are worried about how your data is affecting your deliverability, this article is for you. You may have organic data, purchased data or maybe even a mixture of the two.

Space invaders: The insidious creep of location-tracking

Bubbl explores the worst and most intrusive location-based marketing that uses insidious location-tracking technology. Read this article for key takeaways on how NOT to use location-based technology.


Digital advertisers - including brands, agencies, publishers, and technology providers - are waking up to the fact that cookies and other targeting methodologies will be classed as personal data for the first time. This could have massive ramifications for digital advertising.