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DMA GDPR B2B Twitter Q&A

In what seems like an attempt to fit as many abbreviations into one sentence as is possible, the DMA hosted Twitter Q&A on GDPR in the B2B world in April for all with burning questions for their businesses and the wider industry.

Why should you embrace the principles of the GDPR?

With only a few days left until the GDPR live date, I invited John Mitchison, the Director of Policy and Compliance at the DMA to give Gather his views on the pending GDPR. Please connect with me, or comment below with your thoughts.

Regulation Hub Update - May 2018

DMA Contact Centre Council meet every month to actively seek to identify, reinforce, share and shape best practice. Find their regulation update here.

GDPR, Email Marketing and Seeking Consent

Following on from the launch of the DMA Email Council Best Practice guide, Simon Jeffs, List Genie, delves deeper into Email Marketing, consent and GDPR.

Responsible marketing training with the IDM

DMA members can claim a discount from these IDM training courses and fine-tune skills in GDPR, data protection and digital marketing best practice

Call for responses: CAP Consultation on GDPR

The Committee of Advertising Practice have announced proposed changes to its rules on the collection and use of data for marketing.

Retaining your customer base: success examples

We take a look at some of the great ideas businesses have come up with to encourage their customers to give their consent to be contacted.