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Trust is a must in the data-driven economy

Companies that aren’t thinking about data privacy put their future at risk.

Nine numbers on what the consumer really thinks

Now we have launched our 'Data privacy: what the consumer really thinks' research, we thought we would take you through nine key numbers that you need to remember.

Data privacy 2015: what the consumer really thinks

It is crucial that brand strategists, futurologists and government regulators keep up to date with fast changing attitudes to privacy

Government body reports back on the commercial use of consumer data in the UK

The Competition & Markets Authority has been investigating the commercial use of consumer data.

50 words for privacy?

If the Eskimo have 50 words for snow, why do we have just the one for privacy? We might need more words to disentangle consumers’ complex relationship with their data.

The Perils of the new Apple Watch

Like it or loath it the new Apple Watch will certainly open up a new layer in the data protection and privacy debate.

Data Protection Day 2015: businesses must educate consumers about the value of their data

Wednesday 28 January is Data Protection Day 2015, which is calling on organisations to pledge commitment to “Respecting data, safe guarding data and enabling trust”.  Marketers have a vital role to play. 
Member Content

Data privacy: What the consumer really thinks

The meaning of privacy is changing  Whilst the concept of privacy remains important to individuals - and one that they are still largely concerned to protect - this study confirms that notions of privacy continue to evolve in response to the spread of new digital technologies and the...