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Data protection 2016: vulnerable consumer queries

Read on for responses to questions regarding vulnerable consumers that we didn't have time to cover in the Data Protection 2016 conference
Member Content

Date protection 2016: DMA Group guidance queries

Read on for responses to questions regarding DMA Group guidance that we didn't have time to cover in the Data Protection 2016 conference
Member Content

Data protection 2016: Consumer education queries

Read on for responses to questions regarding consumer education that we didn't have time to cover in the Data Protection 2016 conference

Call for compliance process auditors

The DMA's tender for an external compliance auditor is now open until Friday 18th March 2016
Member Content

Data Protection 2016: Contact preferences questions

Read on for responses to questions regarding contact preferences that we didn't have time to cover in the Data Protection 2016 conference

ICO issues largest ever fine: £350,000

Christopher Graham warned of a ‘mega Monday’ of enforcement action at Data Protection 2016.

Chris Combemale: it's not about minimum standards, but delivering value

Now the EU GDPR will arrive in 2018, DMA Group CEO Chris Combemale sets out what the DMA can do to help you and your business at DMA Data protection 2016

Data protection 2016: Baroness Neville-Rolfe

Minister for Intellectual Property, Baroness Neville-Rolfe, went out of her way to, "Raise the spirits" in the face of the EU GDPR, speaking to delegates at the DMA's Data protection conference 2016