Call for compliance process auditors | DMA

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Call for compliance process auditors


Data is at the heart of the modern economy and it’s therefore vital that the practices around buying and selling of data for marketing purposes are under increased scrutiny. In this environment, the DMA is introducing an addition to the existing membership compliance process for companies involved in the buying, selling or generation of data. This will include an external audit created by the DMA, but executed by a third party, to provide brands and agencies with additional assurances when using member companies.

The DMA is looking to extend the existing audit with the addition of an external third party and is also seeking to understand how suppliers might be able to provide any other additional benefits. The tender for this external compliance audit is now open until Friday 18th March 2016 and specific areas the process will cover include: Data collection and sourcing, due diligence for data rental and 3rd party data supply, data screening and suppression management, consent validation, and general management of data.

For more information or to request the initial pre-qualified questionnaire from the DMA, please contact John Mitchison, Head of Preference Services, Compliance and Legal.

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