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GDPR - what does it mean to you?

The EU GDPR is coming, and we want to know what these changes, which will change the way your business does business, mean for you
Member Content

GDPR: the principle of accountability and staffing

What does the principle of accountability mean and will you have to hire a Data Protection Officer?  Find out.

Answering your Data Protection 2016 questions

At the Data Protection 2016 conference you kindly sent in a large number of questions for our speakers and panel members, but we could not get through them all on the day. Our legal team has been through the questions that got away

Dedicated GDPR content and website

Offering all the latest information businesses will need

Securing the future of one-to-one fundraising

Framing the discussion around one-to-one fundraising reform, regulation, evolution and future-proofing

New IDM GDPR courses

Two new IDM GDPR courses can help put you on the road to compliance

How to hypothesis test in any channel

From what to compare to how many people to test, these are the basics of hypothesis testing

Mailing Council - March 16 news

As we wait with baited breath to see whether or not Donald Trump is going to get the Republican nomination, here is your latest roundup of what’s going on in the world of mail, along with what the Mailing Council is up to – note the name change!
Member Content

Data protection 2016: profiling and automated decision making queries

Read on for responses to questions regarding profiling and automated decision making that we didn't have time to cover in the Data Protection 2016 conference