DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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A qualitative look at the language of customer engagement

As a first step to our upcoming Customer Engagement research, we conducted a study to look at the ways in which people talk about shopping, buying and brands.

What we talk about when we talk about engagement

If we want to talk to consumers about 'engagement', engagement probably isn't the right word to use. To start thinking about the language of engagement, we spoke to some consumers about their likes and dislikes.
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Official: GDPR comes into force in May 2018

The countdown has officially started - the GDPR will become law on 25 May 2016, and then come into force on 25 May 2018
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ICO GDPR guidance to be published in phases

The ICO spoke at a Law Society event to explain their plans for GDPR implementation

Contact centres: consumers need you

According to new research from the DMA and Granby Marketing Services, consumers need contact centres at those critical moments in the relationship with a brand, but brands are in danger of losing the goodwill consumers hold for them

No such thing as a free lunch: why you should build your contact database at every opportunity

Matt Hardy, Digital Director & Joint Managing Director at The Real Adventure Unlimited, considers how brands should balance social and owned platforms to build their contact databases.

MPs confirm Elizabeth Denham as new ICO

MPs sitting on the Department of Culture, Media and Sport select committee have approved the appointment of the new Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham

MediaMath: The power of programmatic

No longer a buzzword, programmatic is a crucial part of the marketing toolbox. Join marketing software specialists MediaMath for a session on the essentials.