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Breaking up with advertising

The letter breaking up with advertising, how the Gray Lady's troubles come despite its purple patch, how to write that book inside you, another new agency model, and on being Ronald McDonald - more people have walked on the moon

The $200,000 selfie

How to legally buy a peerage, the $200,000 selfie, Soundcloud founder speaks as his company comes under the spotlight, how a font could bring down the Pakistani government and the end of gender stereotypes in ads

Lecture in Progress - A hive for creatives

When something comes with the seal of approval of It’s Nice That, people sit up and take notice. Dig in to creative culture and travel to a new digital destination for the good people of the creative industries at Lecture In Progress. 

The lawnmower hypothesis

AI won't take your job. In fact it might create a new one for you - look at lawnmowers. Snapchat's market woes, the gig economy, a chat with Jimmy Iovine, and the most baffling piece of visual special effects ever seen in cinema.

Acclaim of Thrones

Great creative to celebrate Pride, the reinvention of the sausage roll, how to avoid Blockbuster's fate, and will we merge with artificial intelligence in 2045? 

âNae bad from an adâ

The Advertising Associations latest report demonstrates the power of Scottish advertising

Would spend £2,400 on an app?

Google's £2.1 billion bad week, the £2,400 app (that's just in year one, it's another £2,000 per year after that), WPP's ransomware attack, the trainers de rigeur in Cannes and how to fix online advertising

The real genesis of the iPhone

The 'brutal' design of an asymmetrical bottle, the secret to Dollar Shave's success, the world of competitive punning, the 'dark kitchens' that might be making your food, and the real genesis of the iPhone - to annoy the husband of one of Steve Jobs's wife's friends

Copywriting the election

An examination of the slogans used by the main political parties that defined their election campaigns to June 2017