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GDPR and Doordrop FAQs

If you have been wondering what GDPR means for print media then read on. The DMA Print Council have produced a handy set of FAQs on why what life after GDPR looks like for Doordrops and why they are compliant.
Member Content

Annual inserts industry report 2018

Latest industry research reveals newspaper inserts slip below magazine and third-party volumes for the first time, while an overall reduction in insert volumes is also explained by an increasingly targeted approach by the marketing industry.

Creative Effectiveness in door drop - examples from 2018

The DMA Door Drop hub delves into Creativity in Print, showcasing some of the best Door Drops to grace our doormats in 2018.

Creative effectiveness in door drop - examples from 2018

The DMA Door Drop hub delve into Creativity in Print, showcasing some of the best Door Drops to grace our doormats in 2018.

Creative effectiveness in door drop - examples from 2018

The DMA Door Drop hub delve into Creativity in Print, showcasing some of the best Door Drops to grace our doormats in 2018
Member Content

Annual inserts industry report 2017

Strong increases in third party inserts have stemmed the overall decline in this changing market according to new DMA research

Door drops: at the heart of British business

Britain's high streets are dominated by small businesses, which are the life-blood of the British economy. Those businesses use door drops as an essential way of getting their message out and driving up sales. Take a walk around our high street and find out how businesses like yours benefit from...

Can door drops be social and programmatic?

Yes they can. Hear what Gavin Wheeler, CEO at WDMP has been doing to socialise door drops and target programmatically. Witchcraft? Maybe, but clever use of data