DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Delivering Democracy

The essential mailing logistics behind the UK voting process

DMA Compliance Documents and Templates for List Rental

These documents have been designed to provide guidance for List Owners, List Managers and List Brokers carrying out Due Diligence in relation to a number of tasks.

Reach plc appoint Canopy Media to manage their Loose Insert inventory

The move will see Canopy handling all loose inserts advertising for Reach plc with immediate effect.

12 Facts of Charity for Christmas

As part of UK Charity Week, Wood for Trees staff are presenting facts about data, analysis, campaigns and engagement over on Twitter - come join the conversation!

Wood for Trees awarded Apteco Partner of the Year 2019

Wood for Trees Ltd is delighted to announce that the company has been awarded ‘Apteco UK Partner of the Year 2019’ at the recent Apteco Partner Apex event, held ahead of the annual user group conference.

Don't miss opportunities to engage with your supporters

Wood for Trees are running a webinar on the 12th December at 11:00 and hope you can join us to dig deeper into why it is so important to keep supporters engaged with all you do.

Webinar: 7 Essential Insights on Partially Addressed Mail

Join our webinar to hear Ian Gibbs, Director of Data Leadership and Learning, talk you through 7 essential insights from JICMAIL uncovering the behaviour of consumers in the home.

Wonderly appoint Canopy Media to manage their Loose Inserts inventory

The move will see Canopy handling all loose inserts advertising for Wonderly with immediate effect.

Smart Ways to Meet the Customer Acquisition Challenge

Today's business environment is becoming increasingly dynamic and complex. In this climate how do you effectively acquire new customers? This blog explores smart solutions to help boost your customer acquisition strategy.