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Are you profitably reactivating your dormant customers?

Every marketer knows intuitively how incredibly valuable their customer base is, but you need to be able to accurately quantify that, and then be able to cost effectively cultivate it. But how do you profitably reactivate your existing customers?

Making hay whilst the sun shines: How to reactivate customers quickly and at scale.

So the shops have reopened and we’re back to cautiously treading the path to normality. Where the path leads, no one is quite sure but this is all of our ‘normal’ now and that means making hay whilst the sun shines. And that means getting customers back on board as quickly as possible and...

Why marketers should capitalise on homemovers now

With one of the most buoyant property markets in over a decade, combined with the economic value of homemovers over and above the purchase price, we explain why now is the perfect storm for marketers to capitalise on this valuable audience

The omnichannel future for FMCG brands

As COVID restrictions lift and we cling to the hope that the roadmap to recovery will continue smoothly, attention in the industry continues to focus on what this means for marketers.

WEBINAR: JICMAIL Christmas Insight - exploring mail's role in driving shoppers back in-store

Join our webinar to hear Ian Gibbs, Director of Data Leadership and Learning, show how mail works in conjunction with other media to deliver engagement, brand awareness and response.

How to market complex propositions well

Highly-complex propositions require a unique and strategic marketing approach. The communication channels, skill sets and processes you leverage should differ substantially from those used in a more straightforward, transactional marketing scenario.

The growth of direct vs the death of retail

Direct marketing, executed well, has a real opportunity to lead us out of lockdown; to bring atomic experience to the new-found passion for small; and to deliver real experiences where you interact with the people behind the brand.