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How psychological quirks can give your customer experience (CX) the edge

Tom Potts (Credera) discusses the psychology behind everyday experiences like supermarket shopping, birthday cards, watching TV, and how psychological quirks behind these can be applied to your marketing to help enhance the customer experience.

DM effectiveness continues to grow

Direct mail experienced something of a renaissance during the Covid years – lockdown prompted a wide scale love affair with the letterbox. People enjoyed receiving mail, it provided a welcome break from the mundanity of being at home ALL THE TIME! It's no wonder therefore, that the...

The Trends Shaping Consumer Behavior in the U.K.

Over the past three years, U.K. consumers and marketers alike have endured more disruption and transformation to their habits and behaviors than probably the past two decades. As we stride through 2023, we appear to have finally said farewell to many of the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic...

Launching the JICMAIL Response Rate Tracker

JICMAIL has published the first wave of its new Response Rate Tracker, adding a powerful data-set to JICMAIL's suite of tools. This pilot study provides response benchmark data for any organisation pitching, planning or evaluating a mail campaign.

Data Hygiene - Why it should be 'squeaky clean'?

We do not expect you to understand the nooks and crannies of data, but it is good for you to understanding how taking a holistic approach to your data management, can be most sustainable.

WEBINAR: JICMAIL Q4 2022: Launching the new Response Rate Tracker

Join JICMAIL for a special quarterly webinar, for the presentation of our Q4 2022 key mail metrics, covering the effectiveness of the mail channel in the Christmas trading season and releasing the results from our new Response Rate Tracker.

AI in Media

AI is proving and enhancing the relevance of data and its management in any aspect of information organisation.

New Business - Should you outsource or hire internally?

While there are many variables that contribute to a productive and profitable new business campaign, a key factor will be your agency's budget. This blog looks at what options might be the most suitable for you in a range of circumstances.

Over the waterfall: Is Agile the next big push in Marketing Ops?

The concept of ‘Agile’ is not a new one. Despite Agile pushing 21 years of age, why is it that we are only now seeing a new lease of life for Agile ways of working in the marketing space?