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Data Hygiene - Why it should be 'squeaky clean'?


In an industry driven by multiple processes, inclusive of print, tech, and data, we ensure that a conscious effort is made, so that our work is ethical and sustainable. Not only in keeping with our brand ethos and accreditations, but also reassuring our clients that the work we produce for them is mindful of any objectives they have, to better our planet.

Diesel cars and plastic waste in the ocean are not the only elements that play a role in global, environmental damage. Commonly overlooked, working in media does impact our environment more than you may think. There’s the knowledge of how print has its own sustainable challenges, but it’s not simply that aspect of media we are mindful of.

“the modern consumer is 88% more likely to perceive your business positively if you support inherent environmental issues.”-

Data is an integral part of not only our work, but also our personal life. Whilst we may not be always aware of it, it’s there and it’s having an effect. We do not expect you to understand the nooks and crannies of data, but it is good for you to understanding how taking a holistic approach to your data management, can be most sustainable.

“Data privacy must be placed at the centre of the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of digital identity systems, independently of the type of architecture or technology chosen.” -

We can establish three aspects of holistic data management that can ensure the integrity of your data is intact. Having your data controlled, secured, and simplified are effective in ensuring your data is holistically effective.

  • Control – everything that takes place with your data is recorded
  • Secure – Usage of your data defines an authoritative role for the self; this takes place when you consistently manage the use of your data
  • Simplification – Data can be represented in an accessible, unique syntax which enables users to understand the aspects of their personal data system.

Keeping on top of holistic data is a responsibility that prompts us to be mindful of the risks, privacy and security involved.

We determine the cleanliness of data based on its accuracy. Duplicated, incomplete and/or outdated information is ‘dirty’ data. Consumers may be unaware of this and are at risk of trusting inaccurate data sources. Free from inconsistencies and errors, having good data hygiene is crucial in ensuring ethical and efficient work.

Again, outdated data is not clean and can create a backlog - having this unnecessary data in your system/storage is wasteful. When not in use, there are underlying greenhouse gases and environmental repercussions that impact your carbon footprint.

– “The incremental pollution for every gigabyte of data that moves through the internet can be estimated to one kilogram of CO2e. Every web page load, every ad impression and every video view contribute to increased emissions of greenhouse gases.”

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