We all want to be loved, donât we?
23 Feb 2015

As consumers we want brands we love to know what we want, how we feel, when we want their products and how they should talk to us. That’s right isn’t it? All marketers certainly seem to believe and say it, but is it true? Have we in actual fact believed our own hype and now misguidedly think that this is how consumers think?
As a consumer of products and services I want relevant offers delivered to me at the right time via the right channel to make me engage. But I am fickle. My thoughts on a brand can change in an instant, as can the channels that I view. Just because I have always opened an email from X brand, doesn’t mean I will buy, and at the same time I may go to Twitter and find something that at that exact moment will tempt me.
But brands can do everything that they possibly can to try to understand me in a way that I don’t realise is happening. When we talk about consumers as individuals that want to be engaged with a brand, it isn’t strictly true. Most people don’t give two hoots about a brand in their daily life (aside from a few super brands and those that people have a keen affinity to). Yes they may wear the clothes of a brand they like, drive a car that they like, or eat certain foods, but all of this is actually giving us as individuals an outwards projecting image that we want to be perceived as. It isn’t that they love the brand, it’s more how the product they are using makes them feel, and this is what we need to tap into.
The enabler for this is technology, insight and ultimately data. Yes we want your data, no we won’t abuse it and yes it is to help us help you - but we have a responsibility for the value exchange to be worthwhile. If we don’t provide the right offers, messages and communications then the consumer will turn off, not necessarily away from the brand, but they won’t be receptive to the communications you want to send.
So to my first point that the consumers want brands to know what we want, how we feel, when we want their products and how they should talk to us and if this is true. The answer is yes, but they don’t care as much as we think they do, but when they do care, we need to be there.
Spend time on looking at who your customers are and provide them with the brand experience that they expect. It all comes down to lots and lots of lovely data, analytics and actionable insight.
Utopia isn’t here, it never can be. As consumers we are always evolving and changing. As new trends hit we can do everything in our power to empower customers and be there when they want us, and not, when they don’t. Marketing is about failing quickly, learning fast and adapting now.
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