How the British Heart Foundation used Email Innovation to Drive Engagement
06 Feb 2017
The British Heart Foundation helps fund research for cardiovascular disease. To build community and make fundraising fun, they host MyMarathon, a self-paced marathon that can take place anywhere over the course of one month.
They needed an effective way to drive additional donations and MyMarathon sign ups. Specifically, they aimed to raise £433,000 and achieve 13,000 sign ups.
Using live and progressive polling, they were able to serve their MyMarathoners highly-personalized content based on poll answers.
“Fundraisers' page urls and miles were fed directly into each email with a live fundraising total through Movable Ink,” Elly Crump, Email Marketing Manager at BHF, said. “This aimed to continuously drive people back to their page, as well as encourage them to share their link with their networks, where bespoke Facebook ads, dependant on where they were with their challenge, would appear.”
As a result, they raised over £750,000, an 80% increase of the target, and 21,000 participants signed up.
Want to see the email that drove those incredible results? Download the case study now
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