Beacons: Lighting the Way for Better Customer Experiences | DMA

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Beacons: Lighting the Way for Better Customer Experiences


The Customer Experience is about managing brand perception across various customer touch points. A brand needs to understand the customer’s context and push relevant and personalized offers at the right time. It also needs to ensure that customers receive innovative services and conveniences as they move through the journey. The objective is to guarantee customer loyalty and increase ROI for the business.

In recent years, customer convenience needs and interactions have been influenced by the growth of mobile devices and innovative apps. For example, customers are increasingly using a variety of mobile payment technologies that offer seamless and faster payment transaction. A recent study by Juniper Research estimates that mobile payment volumes will reach nearly $507 billion by this year’s end, and Gartner also predicts a volume of $720 billion by 2017. Technologies supported by Near Field Communication (NFC) such as Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, Android Pay or Google Wallet provide convenient “tap-to-pay” like functions for retail customers. This, however, requires a contactless NFC terminal in stores for customers to tap smartphones at checkout. While the checkout process is greatly improved, NFC terminals do not, however, provide assistance or convenience throughout the “check-in” to “check-out” customer journey.

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