Authentic storytelling rules at #FOM15
11 Nov 2015

I was privileged to attend the 1st Day of the Festival of Marketing. It is always good. Interesting, full of new experiences and ideas but this year was the best yet. Here's the 5 reasons why.
1. Wonder
The outstanding contribution from Commander Chris Hadfield of “Bowie in Space” fame.
He is an exemplary storyteller, a weaver of humour, wonder and inspiration. As marketers we preach the storytelling mantra. We believe we know how it’s done, but he held the audience spellbound. What’s more it’s clear he is in control, he knows the value of his brand and the opportunity he has to change things with his influence. On his last mission, as well as the song writing and performing, he made numerous films for the Canadian space agency to inspire young Canadians and scientists.
2. Authenticity
@toplessbaker is seriously worth a look – funny and irreverent but clever too. It is the braninchild and topless body of Matt Adlard, a planner who wanted to demonstrate livestreaming worked to his clients. 16 weeks and 250,000 followers later and he has made his point. Livestreaming is authentic, fans love it that things can go wrong, its personal, true and therefore engaging – what all brands want to be.
3. Bravery
Hostelworld have transformed their brand over the last year with a sector-changing emotional journey approach. Brave enough to show skinny dipping travellers meeting in a rainforest pool rather than deals and room pictures their results for brand recognition and sales are impressive. How did they do it? By recognising what really connects with their travellers, the unique social experience of hostels, and being brave enough to hero that emotion.
4. Automation
Machine learned emotionally engaged storytelling sounds fantastical but Persado believe it is here. I remain a little sceptical but will definitely be finding out more. Their results throw down a gladiatorial challenge to all writers but if replicated they could transform campaign viabilities across all digital and social channels. They have identified 19 emotions that drive engagement and action but they work differently for each brand, sector, channel and occasion. That’s why you need the machine!
5. Record breaking
Finally it’s back to Commander Chris who ended the day by being awarded a Guinness World Record for producing the 1st music video in space. I now have my own story to tell as I was there when he received the certificate. As a child I loved the programme and the books, and now … I am part of the story.
By Julie Atherton
Chair of the DMA Social Media Council
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