Meet the DMA Awards category chairs: Charlie Wilson, Best integrated

There are 33 DMA Awards categories and each one is presided over by a category chair. Learn who they are, what they want from the work you enter in their category - and get a taste for their predictions for the DMAs 2017.
Category: Best integrated
Category chair: Charlie Wilson, chairman and chief creative officer, OgilvyOne London
Tell us who you are, what you do and who you do it for
Hi, my name's Charlie and I'm the chairman and chief creative officer of OgilvyOne London.
It's my job to nurture that playful and pioneering spirit that ensures we continue to find original and entertaining ways of engaging customers and making brands truly matter to them.
What will you be looking for from the work in your category?
I'll be looking for ideas that are data or insight inspired, well targeted, original and are shown to have had an effect.
But most of all, I'll be looking for ideas that surprise and move me.
What are your predictions for the 2017 DMA Awards?
A thrill, a spill and someone being ill.
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