Pathways to Creativity 2020 | DMA
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What creativity means to customers? How can we champion creativity and pioneering thinking throughout our industry – and beyond?

Creativity is hard to define as it is in flux. Therefore, to study its nature and shape within our industry, we looked at customers trends which helped us better understand how to engage creative consumers.

Now that isolation and social distancing has become part of our lives, creativity has become a vital part of consumers’ world.

This latest research piece from the DMA, in partnership with Foresight Factory, investigates how brands can find growing opportunity in supporting or curating moments of authentic creative activities.

There are four maxi-trends brands can look at to activate their creative customers:

  • Collaboration
  • Experience
  • Personalisation
  • Authenticity

Each trend has been sourced through a mix of both qualitative and quantitative data - customers survey, consumers discussion, conversations with experts, desk research, etc.

At the end of each group of trends, practical case studies will be presented to help inspire and give tangible examples of how this trend might look in the real world.

Download the full report and start creating experiences to celebrate creativity with your customers.

Pathways to Creativity 2020

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