DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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GDPR: A resolution you need to keep

Failed your New Year Resolutions? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. If there’s one resolution you need to honour for 2018 however, it’s being GDPR ready. Jaywing's Head of CRM, John McDermott, shares some practical steps to get you started.

OneTrust: A GDPR Q&A

Our panel of GDPR experts want your questions to answer at this webinar. Sign up and tune in to get the solutions to the data protection challenges your business most needs to overcome before May 2018.

Top marketing trends for 2018

At Accord we know that, in marketing, staying ahead of your competitors is key. It requires creative thinking, innovation and a strategy that is underpinned by meaningful data-driven insights. So, what are our top five marketing predictions for 2018?

How âhygienicâ are your digital ads? Seven steps you need to take for responsible advertising

The days of the digital Wild West are over. The GDPR promises to bring transparency to the industry at long last and we think this is a much-needed, positive move. But it's not just user-privacy that online advertisers need to be aware of.

How GDPR will impact the travel sector

At the moment there is a lot of confusion about how GDPR can be successfully implemented and the impact it will have upon the travel sector. So, to provide some guidance, we got in touch with Claire Mulligan, a partner at global law firm Kennedys.

Research says an email is for life

The annual snapshot of consumer email habits from the DMA reveals 83% still use their first email address

Five positive perspectives on the GDPR compliance

Contrary to the negative hype surrounding the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), we believe that GDPR is actually a force for good.