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What is AI and what does it mean for retail?

How will AI effect our shopping experience? We take a look at what's happening now, and what we can expect to see on the high street of the future.

Space invaders: The insidious creep of location-tracking

Bubbl explores the worst and most intrusive location-based marketing that uses insidious location-tracking technology. Read this article for key takeaways on how NOT to use location-based technology.

Does geolocation turn your brand into a stalker? Geolocation privacy myth rebutted

Is geolocation privacy on your radar? Read this myth buster article to find out whether using geolocation really means no privacy for your customers.

Marketing Consent and the GDPR â No Really Means No!

GDPR is coming, ready or not. A recent DMA Survey found that 70% of marketers were most concerned about how GDPR would affect marketing consent.  Let’s focus on that issue and try to get our heads around exactly what will need to change, and why.

Progressing to Personalisation 2.0

This blog discusses a topic all us marketers are working towards - better and more accurate personalisation! Looking at what Personalisation 2.0 is and what it takes to achieve it.

Data is the only way marketers can offer customers the relevance they demand

Data is essential for advertisers and marketers to make their messaging relevant to customers. First party data from within the brand is a key building block, but third party data can often be integral to providing a clearer picture of a customer’s preferences.

DP 2016 Update: Nicholas Oliver "Who's data is it?"

That's the question posed by young entrepreneur Nicholas Oliver at DP 2016 Update, and he has an answer fit for the future and for the GDPR

Mobile apps that can turn aeroplane mode off and read your texts

Have you read the terms and conditions?