DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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Digital Economy Bill unveiled in Queen's Speech

The government unveiled its digital economy bill today as part of its legislative programme for the coming year, which included the Digital Economy Bill, designed to promote industry from the digital economy and new powers for the Information Commissioner

Introducing Customer Engagement

The DMA has launched a major new campaign to explore what makes excellent customer engagement, and will include major events, groundbreaking research and more
Member Content

How to Guide: Ensure your 3rd parties are not a data risk

How will the GDPR change the data relationship between brands and their agencies and suppliers?
Member Content

HMRC fulfilment house due diligence scheme consultation

Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has launched its consultation into a new due diligence scheme for UK fulfilment houses handling goods imported from outside the European Union

DMA Awards - Save the date for Tuesday 6 December

Open your diary and flick forward to 6 December. Make a note that you'll be busy that evening - it's the DMA Awards

Olapic: Visual Marketing Series - Engage consumers across the entire journey

Your brand is alive. It lives whenever your customers or potential customers see it, talk about it or just think about it. Learn how to make your brand shoppable using visual marketing and earned content. 

GDPR Series: Consent and legitimate interest

The GDPR text has passed through the EU Commission, Council and Parliament and becomes law in 2018. So learn what constitutes consent and legitimite interest so you can shape your data policies now and ready them for the changes to come. 
Member Content

Lifting the lid on the language of customer engagement

The DMA launches a new campaign exploring what makes for excellent customer engagement – now and in the future. We’ve made a short video examining the language of engagement: how do customers express themselves as they interact with businesses and brands?