DMA - Data & Marketing Association

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BMW, British Airways and Grokker: which offers the best brand experience?

In June, members of the DMA’s Brand Activation Council paid a visit to a Taste of London – the capital’s biggest annual festival of food – to find what kind of experience some of the world’s biggest brands offer to consumers. Here’s part 2 of their report…

British Airways delivers an appetising Taste of London brand experience

In June, members of the DMA’s Brand Activation Council paid a visit to a Taste of London – the capital’s biggest annual festival of food – to find what kind of experience some of the world’s biggest brands offer to consumers. Here’s part 1 of their...

Using powerful CRM to change brand perception

Everyone knows that customer relationship marketing is demonstrably brilliant when it comes to driving changes in behaviour. I say that, though not many brands appear to use it that way. Most so-called ‘CRM’ delivers content based purely around relevance as described by relatively...

How to win more pitches

For some years the marketing industry has witnessed a variable standard of pitching. Although the overall quality of pitch processes within direct marketing has been high, there are still many opportunities to raise standards for the benefit of both agencies and clients.